Personal Development

How to Set Goals

When Tanner and I talked about writing out our goals I was excited because this was a simple and easy task that I thought I could do in my sleep.  Then I sat down to write them out. I have a lot of goals but, I realized that I didn’t have goals for every aspect of my life. I am a firm believer in progress and that if we are not progressing then what is the point?  For me, maintaining the status quo is not an option, so why don’t I have more goals for different aspects of my life? I did some research and digging and found this tidbit: Zig Ziglar created a concept called the Wheel of Life. The Wheel of Life has seven spokes, and each spoke represents a core area of life.  The spokes are:

  •       Mental
  •       Spiritual
  •       Physical
  •       Family
  •       Financial
  •       Personal
  •       Career

Being successful in all areas is possible.  It is very difficult but possible, nonetheless.

Each of these categories presents its own unique challenges and with the proper tools and resources, we can overcome those challenges.  Some of those tools and resources we must develop on our own and others we can find in the help of others or from professionals.

To see my personal goals regarding each of the seven spokes click here.